join our cast!
Next Auditions:
Sat, March 8, 2025, 11:00 AM- 1:00pm
MON, March 10, 2025, 7:00-9:00pm
Sign up now! (closes 24 hours prior)
At Mockingbird Improv, cast members enjoy regular performances at the theater, professional coaching and direction, monthly guest comps, free admission to shows, discounted or free classes, and an inclusive and welcoming community to call home.
We hold general auditions twice per year in the spring and fall. We use these auditions to cast new shows, find new cast members for existing productions, and identify promising performers who might be called upon for future casting needs. We encourage anyone with an interest in performing with us to audition! Experienced improvisor? Great! New to the world of improv but eager to get involved? Sign up! We welcome aspiring performers at all levels of training and experience to audition.
We're looking for:
Committed performers who will consistently bring their best selves to rehearsals and shows.
Talented individuals with an attitude of collaboration, inclusion, and respect.
Those willing to play and be vulnerable in a safe and community-based environment.
If you would like to put your name on the list for the next round of auditions, please click on the button to the left, fill out the form and we will reach out to you about specific dates and times when the next round comes up.
Shows looking for new cast members:
All Hands On Deck!
Shows every Friday and Saturday night. The show combines a series of short-form improv games for a fast-paced, audience-powered romp through improv comedy. Some shows are family friendly and others are uncensored late shows.
Shows most Friday and Saturday nights.
Players are expected to be available for a minimum of 3 shows per month.
This team rehearses weekly on Tuesday 7:00 - 9:00 PM
Experience with short form preferred but not required
Improv Vs. Standup
Combines both improv and standup comedy in a frenzied volleying of jokes between comic and improviser to grow and explore new angles and depths of the bits. Stand up comics are talented guest artists from across San Diego and LA, while our cast of talented improvisers spin comedy based on each of their sets.
Shows every Saturday night at 8:30 PM
Players are expected to be available for a minimum of 3 shows per month.
This team rehearses weekly on Sundays 1:30 - 3:30 PM
Lyrics & Laughs
Much like Improv VS Standup, this show is a premise based show where inspiration is taken from the lyrics and songs performed by cabaret singers.
Show is Friday evenings at 7PM
Rehearses with Improv VS Standup Sunday at 1:30 PM
Long form / premise based improv experience preferred
telenovela IMPROV
Popular show based on Latin-American TV soaps (done in English) with all the dramatic tropes paired with laughs. New characters every performance.
Shows on two Friday evenings a month at 8:30 PM
Rehearsals Tuesday 9:30 PM - 11:30 PM
Some Spanish / Long form improv experience preferred
Episodic Drama / Survival Adventure with a dash of Sci-Fi thrown in! Imagine a soap opera taking place during a creepy unexplained disaster. Characters are the same from one show to the next.
Shows on two Friday evenings a month at 8:30 PM
Rehearsals Tuesday evenings
Long form improv experience preferred
Broadway Unscripted
Our musical improv show. Cast sings and dances and tells a story in the manner of a broadway show with accompaniment on keyboard.
Shows on Thursday evenings at 7:00 PM
Rehearsals Monday evenings
Singing skills required, Broadway show knowledge preferred
Long form improv experience preferred
1940’s Radio Show
Currently in development for a Fall 2025 premiere
A 1940s radio drama broadcast along with sound effects, sponsor commercials and behind the scenes shenanigans.
Rehearsals Sundays at 4:00 PM
Long form experience preferred
Interest in old radio drama encouraged